Wednesday, July 21, 2010

..:nak prktkal ktne ni...??..:

adooyaii..,pening kepala dok pk nk prktkl ktne nex sem...
da survey2..,mejOrity audit/ accounting firm bangsa cina yg punye....
takut la nk prktikal ngan dorng...rasa diri sgt kerdil lak nnt..huhu
mmg bgus co dorg..xnafi kn..kita semua pun sedia mklum kn cmne org cine bkerja..
tp..,den xbrape sangup nk hadapi risikO..6 bulan kOt..lama tu....huhu

3 company yg da dlm senarai aku...,:
* Abd Halim & Associates
* Azlinda & Co

which one should i chOose????
emmmm..,hOpe di beri petunjuk~~~~

Saturday, July 17, 2010

..:luv dis sOng much!!:..=)

Trouble he will find you, no matter where you go, oh oh
No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm or the cry in the morn, oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control...

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
Ah ooh...

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
So don't forget as you ease on down the road...

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
oh oh

So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
ah ooh

How I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave,

I try, oh oh I try.....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

..dis is my first pOst!!..=)

aku da ada blOg??mcm xcaye...before ni slalO baca2 blOg org je bile bOsan2..*walaupun keje mnimbun*
xreti sgt sbnrnye nk celOteh2 ni...
blOg ni wujud pun di sebabkn my lecture yg sOh bwt..its fOr putting in da resume~~
he say dat..,its a advantage fOr us to have a blOg..sO dat..,kami x tgolong dlm kalangan ketingaln zaman...mybe its rite...emmmm..taking n thinking pOsitively...=)